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It’s easy to say that Mentoring starts with ME and ends with YOU! But I would say that’s much too simplistic, and trite.
Mentoring is much more dynamic and fluid!
It is not just a transfer of guidance, skills, growth, and wisdom from one person to another in a hierarchical fashion, with all good things flowing downhill; it’s reciprocal, kinetic, and evolving always!
I have learned so much from so many. A few of the notables you can see below, many of them you cannot.
But the power of each and every positive interaction of guidance and nurturing has had a profound impact on my physical, mental, and spiritual development as a leader and as a human being constantly striving to self-actualize!
In the end, that’s what mentoring is all about for me.
It’s about turning on the light for individuals to self-actualize; to live and walk and glow in their highest and best light. Allowing them to see and reach the best version of themselves that is most fulfilling and impactful to the world.
So, if any of this sounds appealing to you, and you really understand where I’m coming from, and you may be struggling with some of these same questions and goals? I would invite you to join me on a life journey of growth and awareness at the links below in my specific practice mentoring areas of: Leadership, Fitness, and Coaching.

For now, let’s just imagine the below are travel images

At the end of 2017, I took self-inventory of my life and career and purpose on this planet. I asked myself some really introspective questions about where I wanted to be in life and how I was going to get there? What was important to me and am I doing the things necessary to make ALL of this happen?
I decided I was not! I decided I had been living my life sideways on the horizontal, living a lateral line of doing the same things, with the same people, in the same places, in the same manner. So, I decided to break all of that up, and to give myself what I have termed an #IntentionalDisruption in my own leadership journey.
I decided to sell 80% of my worldly possessions, put the remaining 20% of sentimental items in storage, and travel the world to dive deeper into the fundamental life transformation needed to reach my next plane of achievement. No more living life in relative daily comfort and monotony, I had to break up the house completely in order to build a new one!

I have been traveling the world as a true global nomad for nearly 2 years Pre-Covid-19.

I made it to 40 countries, and I’ve documented my travels in the form of a book, speaking tour and digital documentary I plan to share with the world.

I plan to empower others to take my macro-level Intentional Disruption and leadership development journey of global observation, experimentation, interviews, adventures, and cultural immersion; break it all down into smaller bite sized micro-disruption lessons and small actions they can use in their everyday lives to create their own personal break through moments.

I’m currently screening a select few applicants for my first Alpha class of the #IntentionalDisruption Global Leadership Sabbatical where I will be replicating a smaller version of my 2-year journey through some of the key experiences and places you see below. This first group of voyagers will be a very small curated class of travelers who will be actively mentored by me and guided on their own growth journeys through a customized #IntentionalDisruption leadership development plan and series of micro travel adventures with myself and the class.

Join me below if you would like to be considered to be part of this first class of guided explorers seeking enlightenment on all levels of professional and personal growth. I would like to help you get there and enjoy the road along the way!


Marathon photos, yoga photos, sign up to be coached by him

You hear it all the time, we are nothing without our health! Many people say it but they forget to live it or they let everyday life get in the way. I lost my mother Marilyn to cancer when she was 41 years old and a rising CPA professional in her field, I was 15. This experience taught me so much about seizing the moment and valuing your health and wellness above all possessions and promises.

To that end, I’ve been a world major marathon runner, weight-trainer, boxer, novice surfer, biker, aspiring yogi, and aquatic sports enthusiast. Anything active that helps me break a sweat and grow in my physical journey goes in my gym bag and accompanies me along the way.

I would like to coach you through some of the things that I do personally, and help build a routine and a customized training plan that works for you and your life.

But most importantly, I want to encourage you to develop a positive, self-reinforcing mindset about how to cherish your physical body through diet, mindfulness, exertion, and adventure. I want you to learn to push your body through your mind, so that both will always take care of you in turn.

If you are seeking the confidence and inner glow that comes from that, please click below and let’s start a conversation about YOU!


Contact me page, pictures of one on one work, career strategies coaching

Yes, I’ve learned so much from so many, but a few of them stand out as people who really touched me and invested in me and poured into my growth!

As I’ve walked through the world, I have been fortunate enough to meet some bold face names and sit at some important tables. But I have carried with me the lessons and hard-fought failures from so many more!

Executive coaching is about listening, so I listen.

I listen to who you are and what you want and the key experiences and people that have made you that way. I listen to your hopes, dreams, and even a few of your fears.

By doing all of this, I’m better able to do what any good coach should offer, and that is the ability to connect the dots between my lived life experiences and relationships to your own so that you can more readily and speedily and deeply turn on your own light and define your own success in work, life and love.

I’m here to help you figure out that path to promotion, that way to start a business, or the reasons to shutter one? But I’m also here to offer guidance, encouragement, resources, relationships, and readings that help you figure much of this out for yourself.

I’m offering the type of growth that allows you to become your own best problem solver and cheerleader as you march towards a more holistically fulfilling journey of career and life happiness.

I’m here to listen and work with you today, find out more by asking below…